これまで多くの皮革製品を手掛けてきたノウハウを生かし、廃棄されるはずだったパイナップルの葉を加工した新素材で多くのアイテムを作っている灘 瑛一郎さん。新素材で作った財布やバッグは、和紙のような手触りで、軽くて耐久性が高いと評判です。大量生産・大量消費が課題となっているファッション業界においても、選択肢のひとつとしてパイナップルの葉からできた新素材が選ばれ、広く浸透してほしいと語る灘さんの思い描く未来とは?
Making use of his leatherworking know-how gained from making numerous leather products, Mr. Eiichiro Nada is producing many items using a new material made with processed pineapple leaves that would otherwise have been discarded. The wallets and bags made from this new material have a texture similar to washi paper and are known for being lightweight and very durable. Even in the fashion industry, where mass production and mass consumption are issues, Mr. Nada hopes that this new material, made from pineapple leaves, will be an option for producers and that it will be chosen and become widely used. What kind of future does Mr. Nada envision?